Varsity Painting

Mandi Newton- VP of Marketing & Business Development

(415) 225-9898

Founded in 1993, Varsity Painting has painted over 56,600 residential and commercial units. Our success is because of our people. With the lowest turnover in the industry, we focus our time on taking care of our customers, not constantly recruiting and training new staff.

Our painters are all W-2 employees who have worked for Varsity Painting for several years. We care about our team and provide health care and retirement benefits to them. This is uncommon in our industry. This translates directly into employees who care about their profession, their customers and their workmanship. Your “crew chief” is English speaking and is the on-site contact should you have any questions. He is a craftsman painter with years of experience working with Varsity Painting. He is responsible for executing the quality standards and professionalism that is our hallmark.

Services Include:

  • Exterior Painting
  • Interior Painting
  • Wood Rot Replacement
  • Color
  • Consultation
  • Digital Color Rendering
  • Pressure Washing

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